Friday, December 27, 2019
Student Services The Senior Vp Of Enrollment Management,...
Data collection Methodology Information for this paper was collected through interviews with the VP of Student Services, the Associate VP of Enrollment Management, and the Director of Financial Aid. These interviews addressed distance learning, social media, operating systems, digital divide, and digital native. We discussed the trends of usage and the impacts on students and community colleges. Throughout this section, I will refer to these individuals as participates one, two, and three and this order is random to those interviewed. All participates where asked to participate in interview about technology in student services. They were provided with a copy of the paper abstract along with the following items to consider in regards to technology; current trends/issues in your area; changes since you entered the profession, and challenges. All three participates are male who have been a part of higher education for 20+ years. Two hold Mastersââ¬â¢ Degree and one holds a Ph.D. They all currently service as leaders in Student Services. Additional research was obtained through review of several journals related to technology in higher education. The interviews where informal and the conversation was casual yet very informative. Current trends/issues, challenges, and changes Distance Learning All three participates feel that there is a lot that can be done with distance learning. The technology is there. Participant one stated ââ¬Å"we have the technology, but our students stillShow MoreRelatedEssay on governmental accounting7205 Words à |à 29 Pageslearning for students in governmental and non-proï ¬ t accounting Larita Killian ââ¡â Division of Business, Indiana University-Purdue University Columbus (IUPUC), 4601 Central Avenue, Columbus, IN 47203, USA a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Available online 30 April 2013 Keywords: Intentional learning Self-directed learning Governmental and non-proï ¬ t accounting Learning-to-learn a b s t r a c t Learning-to-learn skills are critical to the future success of accounting students. ThisRead MoreGainesboro Machine Tools Corporation9292 Words à |à 38 PagesUniversity of Cincinnati, then taught in North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Her scientific specialty was virology. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Greek Mythology Gods And Goddesses - 1725 Words
Carine Kessie English 2010-29 Prof: Van De Water April 21, 2017 Greek Mythology: Gods and Goddesses, The ancients Greeks were polytheistic which means they used to worship many gods. Greek gods and goddesses used to live at the top of Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. However, despite their great powers, gods and goddesses were much like humans, and sometimes they had to come down to hearth to get involved and intervened in the affairs of mortals, involving with men and women as patrons, enemies, and sometimes lovers. Greek mythology described their lives and every day actions and use their stories to help explain the unknown and sometimes teach a lesson. At the beginning of everything, Heaven and Earth had twelve sons andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Finally, Zeus won the Upper World which includes beaches, forests, streams, continents, islands, deserts, and mountains. (McCaughrean 12-13). Next, Zeus set about peopling the Upper World. First, he made a race of Gold, perfect in form and perfectly happy. They lived from the fruit on the trees and never fell ill or died. However, so easy were their days, so peaceful their nights, that they got a way of sitting down to sleep and not troubling to wake up again. So Zeus-the-shining melted them down and left only their spirits to watch over the next race of people, the ones he cast from silver. The race of silver was beautiful and vain. They looked at themselves in the dewponds and said; ââ¬Å"So beautiful! We must be gods!â⬠(McCaughrean14). So they never turned their silver face toward Mount Olympus and, in their pride, they thought the world was theirs. Zeus buried the race of Silver in the ground and made the race of Bronze instead. They were no sooner born that they picked up flints and used them for tools. They made axes and spades, and began industriously to build. ââ¬Å"This is better,â⬠said Zeus (McCaughrean 14-15). Then they made swords, spears, arrows, clubs, and left off the building to slaughter to another one. By the time their war was finished, Zeus has to begin all over again. All that was left to him was Iron. The race of Iron rusted and grew old. They worked and quarreled, loved and died. They worshipped the gods with a fearful superstition, andShow MoreRelatedGreek Mythology : Gods And Goddesses1972 Words à |à 8 Pages Carine Kessie ENG 2010-29 Van De Water April 21, 2017 Greek Mythology: Gods and Goddesses The ancients Greeks were polytheistic which means they used to worship many gods. In the past, Greek gods and goddesses used to live at the top of Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Fundamental of Encouraging Employees
Question: Discuss about the Fundamental of Encouraging Employees. Answer: Introduction: Employee motivation is the main key to maintaining and retaining competitive employees in any company or organization. The demand to deploy competitive employees in organizations is high. Employers are always thirsty fishing for best employees in the market who can help raise the success level of a given department to extreme heights. Due to this fact, employers need to protect their employees from being stolen from them by competitive companies offering a better salary in the same industry. A preferable idea of retaining top-notch employees in a company or organization is by offering appraisals and encouraging employees by issuing financial rewards for the good work and commitment they offer towards a specific company or organization. This research paper is targeted to discuss values that managers should consider while motivating their employees. We are also going to learn why money and other financial rewards are a fundamental part of the employment relationship and can be used eff ectively in motivating employees. For any organization to record any degree of meaningful success in the pursuit of its goals and aspirations, it must have the ability to create values (motivation) enough to compensate for the burden imposed upon employees. (Maryam T. Abbah. 2014). The discussion below also explains possible pros and cons of using money and other financial rewards to motivate employees in companies or organizations. Money is the key motivation to empower employees. Employees who are satisfied with the salary and allowances they earn from their jobs are more likely to work on a given origination for a long time. Research on employment sector indicates that employees with great work experience working for a specific organization have the ability to conduct their duties with perfection with regards to experience to handling duties in their workstation. In some rare instances where employees are not satisfied or motivated, they tend to shy away from their duties and work just to finish their assigned shifts. Such instances may reduce the quality of performance delivered by a specific employee or the entire employed staffs in a company or organization. If the issue is not addressed appropriately, employees who are not well motivated may look for alternative job opportunities from a competitive company that pays well. It will be quite shameful to train an employee for several month or years, and when such an individual finally gets the experience needed for a specific career, they look for another opportunity from a sister company that offers better salary compensation. To prevent such activities from happening repetitively in companies/organizations managers have come up with payment and employee motivation plans to raise the morale of their employees to work with them for the longest time possible. The following are pros and cons of using Money and other financial rewards as a fundamental part of the employment relationship used in motivating employees. It encourage managers not to wait to motivate their employees, helps managers know where their employees stand, recognize the financial needs of employees, motivate employees out of good faith, set a tone for all appraisals, give employees their best desires, praise employees as they are given appraisals and financial motivation, offer regular employment recognition motivation programs, communicate effectively with employees, pay employees motivation compensations depending on their worth to the company, pay for employees educational program, encourage employees to be active in industry involvement, offer effective criticism where needed, encourage team- building practices and offer paid unpaid leave to employees. This motivational strategy encourages managers not to wait to motivate their employees. Employees who have been motivated have a tendency of influencing others with positive energy at work. (Accel team development. 2016) When other employees notice that the HR does not take the time to recognize and reward hard working employees, there is a tendency for employees to compete to be elected as employees of the month. The healthy competition held within various departments at work has a positive impact on success and growth of a company. Best employment motivation should be done on a monthly basis, and a major reward for best-performing employees should be done annually. Unless and until the employees of any organization are satisfied with it, are motivated for the tasks fulfillment and goals achievements and encouraged, none of the organization can progress or achieve success. (Quratul, M. 2013). However, when employees fail to be given bonuses when they dont meet their targets, they be come demoralized which may affect their performance at work. Secondly, motivating employees using money helps Managers to know where their employees are contented with their workplace and salary compensation. Employees who are satisfied with their work environment and salary have a tendency to develop a deep connection to their work. Such employees are likely to take more initiative, generate quality workflow, deliver innovative ideas and contribute to the progress of the company/ organization. This employment motivation strategy has a negative effect when used to motivate individuals within groups at work. Employees feel less motivated when they are not given an equal amount of bonuses and might affect the productivity of the group performance. On the other hand, employees who are not satisfied with their salary compensation and their work environment are likely to bring in some negative energy in the company. Such employees can affect the morale of their colleagues to offer effective performance at work which may cause low productivity in sp ecific departments. In such instances, the managers are supposed to have a one on one conversation with the affected employees and find out the reason for their unhappiness. It is then the obligations of the managers to motivate such employees by either giving a financial adjustment to their salary or to offer them a better work environment. However, in the rare situation when an employee does not improve on work performance after being motivated, the manager is expected to do away with such individuals to protect other employees from being affected by negative energy. Recognize the financial needs of employees Another importance of motivating employees using money is it helps to support financial needs of employees. Creating a good relationship between the management team and the employee has a positive impact towards increasing performance of employees at work. After the first appraisals, the management team is expected to do research on an employees financial background. This action can be achieved on a one on one interview with an employee during the first financial appraisal. Ones the manager has all data regarding the plans of the employee towards their growth and development; the manager can organize better financial rewards for the motivational purpose of a particular employee. This strategy keeps employees focus on receiving better financial motivation when their performance at work is impressive. The moment employees learn that the company cares about their well-being, they are likely to improve their performance. On contrary, when the management team fails to motivate employees t heir production performance at work might decline. It is easier to motivate a team of employees when the management team knows their needs. Giving an employees their best desire enables them to concentrate at work and deliver high productivity in performance at their workstation. (Pingboard, Inc. 2017). This theory works for specific employees. Thus, managers have to create good employee to employer relationship to know every individual inside out to give them rewards that suit their needs. However, all this comes with an expensive price. A company can spend too much time and money to satisfy employees need. Another importance of using this strategy to motivate employees is it helps in Projecting positive attitude towards employees by setting the right mood for everyday success at work. The manager should create a consistency habit to appraise the best performing employees as part of the culture practiced in company/ organization. It is the responsibility of the management team to keep the mood high for employees who have not yet won any financial appraisals by offering verbal encouragements. This strategy makes the rest of employees look forward to getting some financial returns out of their commitment to delivering excellent performance at their workstation. However, employees who fail to achieve their organizational goals for a long time might get discouraged when they do not get any monetary or financial motivations. Giving your employees what they want will make them feel more appreciated at work. If an employee raises a concern to be assigned more responsibility above their Job Description, its appropriate for the management team to revise their JDs (Job Description). Individuals who are striving to become more productive in a company/ organizations should be encouraged to do so. Ones they are assigned extra responsibilities, it is appropriate for the management team to make follow-ups to ensure that employees are assigned extra duties to at work. After few months of analyzing the performance of any employee assigned extra duties at work, it is appropriate for the management team to motivate such individuals by giving them financial rewards. One corn against this method of employee motivation is that in most instances when employees are assigned extra duties above their JD, the quality of their work depreciates. Praising employees in public not only makes a specific employee happy but also challenges the entire employees to strive for such excellence in their workstation. The best practice to encourage employees in this situation is by praising competitive employees and rewarding them in public. Later, the management team needs to organize a one on one conversation with the selected best-performing employees and reprimand them in private. This action shows that the management team is concerned about the well-being of a particular employee. It also improves the morale of specific employees to replicate their actions. Employees who take long before getting praised for their good work tend to get discouraged and their productivity at work decreases. According to Staib, K. (2015), Companies/ organizational, regional contents uplift the morale of employees to be elected as the best-performing employees. Contests for appraisals should be arranged on a regular basis. The ideal time to make financial appraisals should be done on a monthly basis. Monthly contents within a company/ organizations give employees equal time to shine regarding their performance at work. This theory increases the productivity of employees in all the departments with the expectation to be rewarded for their dedication and commitment towards their responsibilities at work. Likewise, when a group of specific employees doesn't get appraisals for a long time, they get discouraged and their performance at work decreases. Ones the culture for uprising employees is induced in a company/ organization, employees will always look forward to their next financial appraisals. The management team should work in hand with the production team by communicating about the dates of rewarding the most productive employees. The company/ organization should set up a suggestion box and public email address to collect feedback/ suggestion for best motivational practice to offer their employees on the upcoming employee appraisal contents. This theory adds value to the gift/ financial appraisal that individuals should expect after being selected as either employee of the month/ employee of the year. It also affects the moral of distinct employees positively as they work on becoming the best in contests organized by the management team. While offering financial motivations to employees, the management team should offer financial aid to individuals depending on their worth to the company. Individuals feel good when they are compensated depending on their worth. When employees are satisfied with their bonuses, they tend to work hard to achieve better organizational goals to get similar rewards. However, some employees dont get motivated using this strategy due to the unequal proportion of bonuses given to them regarding the job position they occupy in the company/ organization. If an employee is not satisfied with their compensation plan, they might not be motivated to work beyond their previous achievement. This might affect the moral of a particular employee. Thus, it is important to know the worth of an employee before making any financial appraisals. Education is the key towards meeting best performance goals in a company/ organization. Offering paid education for employees not only equip them with the knowledge to tackle technical issues at work but also makes them aware of what is expected from their work environment. This theory adjusts the overall performance of employees in their designated workstations. In instances when the management team has recognized the potential of a specific employee to performing better in another department when trained, it is the obligation of the management team to organize a meeting with a particular employee and discuss the importance to take further studies for them to be promoted to a better department. If a given employee shows interest in such offer, the company/ organization is expected to pay for their educational program. This act of performance appraisals increases the moral of employees to give better services at work. It also improves the productivity of specific employees at work. O n contrary, time spent to train employees consumes production time that could yield more productivity to the company/ organization. Motivating employees by giving them financial aid encourages them to participate in active industry involvement. This action increases their trust to work within a company/ organization for a long time. It is the responsibility of managers to encourage and motivate employees to join professional organizations which will help them to stay in touch with latest innovations development in their career. The company/ organization may sponsor their best employees to join training programs of educational groups at a discount memberships plan. This action will increase exposure of employees to the targeted market and increase their understanding of their job description from seminars and professional workshops they attend. This fact is another source of financial rewards that motivates employees to be more active in industry involvement and innovations in companies/ organizations. While offering financial motivation to employees, it is appropriate to identify strengths and weaknesses of the employee being rewarded. This idea helps to encourage employees to embrace innovative and constructive feedback that help them increase their performance at their workstations. By challenging employees to improve their performance, the management team stands in a position to plan on their next financial appraisals for specific employees if they meet the companys goals and expectation on their performance at work. Job satisfaction leads to high work morale. (Dorin, C. 2014). However, this process is expensive and consumes the company/ organization's resources that can be used to increase the productivity more of goods and commodities. Companies and organization that offer team building practices as a source of improving employer to employee relationship have chances to prosper in their productivity. Team building joins employees together and offers them time to know each other. This idea can be incorporated annually or semi-annually depending on a company/ organization financial position. Team building practices within companies/ organizations motivate employees and give them a sense of belonging at work. Employees who have served a given company/ organization for at least one year deserves to be credited with paid leave depending on extra hours they accumulate while working on their shift. Annual leaves give an employee time to rest and reenergize themselves for a comeback at work. (Addeco, 2016). In some rare occasions when employees might need extra days at home out of their leave schedule, the managing team can organize unpaid leaves for such individuals to solve the issue that might affect their work performance. One major disadvantage of using this employee motivation strategy is when the best performing employees are on vacation the productivity of the company/ organization decreases. Nevertheless, employees who dont win money and other financial rewards on a regular might feel less appreciated. In some rare occasions, employees who dont win any prize might become jealous of their colleagues. The morale for individuals who dont receive financial rewards might go low with time a nd affect their work performance. By evaluating the discussion above, we can, therefore, conclude that employment motivation using money and other financial rewards is the most effective performance appraisal to reward the best-performing employees. This strategy increases departmental competition at work. However, we can also argue out that the management team needs to come up with a better compensation plan to motivate employees who do not win the monthly/ annually financial appraisals. The management team should also consider individuals who work in departments that are hard to be recognized regarding the performance and growth of a company/ organization. Such less fortunate employees should receive financial motivation earned from their overtime at work. Reference Accel team development. (2016). Employee Motivation: Theory And Practice. (Online) Retrieved from: Retrieval Date: 1st 01/2017. Addeco. (2016). Motivating Employees At Their Workplace. (Online) Retrieved from: Retrieval Date: 1st 01/2017. Pingboard, Inc. (2017). 10 Ways Employers Can Encourage A Healthy Work-Life BALANCE FOR Employees. (Online) Retrieved from: Retrieval Date: 1st 01/2017. About, Inc. (2017). Ways To Encourage Employee Work Balance. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Corruption Of Power In Rome Essays - Julius Caesar,
The Corruption of Power in Rome The Corruption of Power in Rome Julius Caesar was murdered on the Ides of March in 44 B.C. by the people he trusted and thought were his friends. The justification for his death was that he was too ambitious and wanted too much power. The very concept of government in Rome was against dictatorship, to which Caesar posed a great threat. Although Rome recognized the need for a distinct leader, the power given to the leader was not absolute. The Romans devised a system to avoid dictatorship and retain freedom, but at the same time maintain control of the affairs of the Empire. These leaders, originally given the title of praetor, meaning "to lead the way" (Asimov 24), were elected. Their terms of office were for one year and they could not succeed themselves. Two praetors were elected each year and they both had to agree on issues before action was taken. Later, the title was changed to consul, which is another way to say partners. Praetors' and consul's main responsibility was to manage the armed forces of Rome and to lead the armies in warfare. Quaestors were also selected two at a time for one year terms. Their main role was to serve as judges and to supervise all criminal trials. The Senate was designed to advise the Praetors or Consuls. It originally consisted of one hundred representatives of clans that made up the city. The men were chosen based on their age, experience and wisdom; the word senate is Latin for "old men". The Senators, or Patricians, were expected to be obeyed. In fact, the praetors had to "bow to the will of the senate" (Asimov 24). This system of governing worked well for several centuries. The government of Rome gradually evolved, as did the citizen's opinion on dictatorship. The Senate became corrupt with many Patricians being easily bribed. Almost all of the power belonged to a distinct few. The idea of a dictator no longer caused fear, it was no longer unacceptable. By the time Julius Caesar was a consul, the number had increased to three. Pompey, Crassus and Caesar all had grudges against the Senate for one reason or another. Caesar was upset because the Senate had tried to undercut his campaign for consulship. The three consuls formed a private coalition, known as the First Triumvirate. Together Pompey, Crassus and Caesar succeed in getting Caesar elected consul and in passing legislation that mainly benefited them. Caesar became the governor of Cisalpine Gaul and part of Transalpine Gaul, where Rome had considerable power. Right after he took on the new position the territory was threatened by Switzerland. Immediately he crushed them and kept going. These wars, which began in 58 B.C. and helped Caesar to establish his reputation as a great military leader, were known as the Gallic Wars. Nine years later in 49 B.C., after constant warfare, he had stormed over eight hundred towns and conquered the area that is now France. Both Pompey and the Senate were envious of Caesar's success and they were also fearful of his ambitions. They ordered Caesar to give up command and return to Rome. He defied this order, therefore committing treason, and ended up fighting Pompey's army. Caesar followed Pompey's army all the way to Egypt, where he killed Pompey and met Cleopatra. He lived in Egypt with Cleopatra for a few years but eventually he went off to fight other wars, leaving Cleopatra pregnant with his child, Caesarion. In 44 B.C. Julius Caesar returned home to Rome. He was welcomed with a massive feast including twenty-two thousand tables. Caesar was declared dictator of Rome by the now submissive Senate. Caesar's actions, such as defying the Senate's order to return home, defeating the other consuls and his continuous warfare went against the concept of democracy in the Roman government. He was ignoring the Senate, whom he was supposed to submit to, and had defeated his partners who were there to avoid dictatorship and encourage accountability. He placed himself above all other Roman citizens, destroying the equality between himself, the Senate and the citizens. And finally, he accepted the title of dictator, destroying the democracy in Rome. The citizens did not even fear the loss of their beloved democracy. They now looked upon Caesar as a god. A group of Senators led by Cassius, Casca, Cinna and Brutus, who loved freedom and democracy concluded that they had to stop Caesar. No one else seemed to understand the severity of what was occurring. On March 15, 44 B.C., also known as the Ides of March, a total of sixty
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